Friday, December 14, 2012

Healthful Habits - Chew, Swallow, Repeat

As the Steve Miller Band said, "Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping, into the future."  I definitely feel that way and use that as the excuse why our blog has remained un-updated.  However, I am back to post, even if it is little.  Today's topic is Healthful Habits.
I noticed this concept while in Haiti over the summer and have now tied it to healthy eating.   In Haiti, our daily routines started and ended the same almost every day.  Some people would get up early to read, write or play music.  As they did this on a regular basis over two weeks, it became a habit.
If we apply this principle to healthy eating, you can see some benefits.  For example, I drink a large quantity of water at work.  If I do not drink a large quantity of water, I feel thirsty.  Years ago I started having a water glass and filling it regularly.  Now I cannot go through a day without drinking water.  What started as a conscious effort, has turn into a subconscious one.
Part of my breakfasts and lunches growing up was yogurt   I would only eat the sweetened flavoured stuff, because the plain stuff was gross and boring.  As I started thinking more about my health, I realized that the sweet yogurt was not the best for my body.  After a time of choosing the best sweetened yogurt (not always easy), I ended up on plain yogurt with a touch of vanilla and stevia.  Stevia has a funny taste (or at least did at this time), I will grant you that, but as I used it regularly, it became the norm and I enjoyed it.  Now (mostly due to laziness) I have switched to plain yogurt by itself or sometimes with fruit or hemp hearts.

Other ideas can included:
-eating carrot sticks (or similar) as a snack when you get home (I find the time between work and supper the worst for wanting bad snacks),
-ensure you grab breakfast in the morning
-take fruits or vegetables as a snack for that 10:30 or 3:30 time of hunger
-reduce the amount of salt and/or sauces you put on food

It is amazing how just a little bit of effort for a little bit of time can get you into a pattern that moves you toward healthy living.  That is all for today, until we meet again.
Ian W.

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