Saturday, October 6, 2012

Birthday Bliss

We are back from Haiti and slowly getting settled into normal life again.

When you are in 40 degree heat and 100% humidity and working all day you don't need to worry quite as much about watching what you eat in the traditional weight loss sense.  Ian needs to worry about eating as much as possible and I ate as much as the next person and still lost some weight.

Now the trick is to keep it off.

September is like  my new years.  Everything feels like it resets.  New courses and a new job for me.  I also find the beautiful fall weather renews all of my outdoor excitement.  September also brings my birthday! 

These past two weeks have been so amazing sharing meals with friends and family.  Ian and I coming together over home made eggs Benedict with smoked salmon and roasted asparagus with my white wine hollandaise sauce.  Sharing a meal with my family of home made butter chicken, dahl, coconut green curry and spaghetti squash.  Having delicious vanilla ice cream over Ian's home made quinoa chocolate cake.  This is the best cake I have ever had!  It is so moist because it is flourless and made with blended cooked quinoa instead.  This year we brought back some cocoa from Haiti that had cinnamon and anise ground into it.  This cocoa made the cake incredible.  Very easy to make yourself.

The incredible cake recipe came from Quinoa 365

My mother made the butter chicken and the dahl but I can share the Thai green curry recipe.

I start by browning the onions in some butter and add the mushrooms soon after.  I usually let them brown in the wok for awhile.  I add freshly chopped ginger and lemongrass to the wok and the green curry paste (which you can make yourself but I usually purchase it).  Then  I add 2 cans of coconut milk to the wok (I prefer coconut milk where the cream separates and sits on the top).  I then add sweet potato and chopped Thia chilies.   Then it is a veggie free for all!!  I add green sweet peas, kale, spinach, broccoli, baby corns, red peppers and any other vegg I feel like experimenting with.  This goes very well with chicken if you want some meat involved.

We have had to make some adjustments to Ian's food choices.  We found on the grain free eating regiment he lost 10lbs!  He doesn't have that much to lose.  Based on this we have decided to add in whole grains back into his diet.  We will be trying that for the next month in hopes that he will gain a bit of his weight back.

Birthday hiking at the top of Mt. Harvey
Talk to you soon!

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