Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dear Life; You are not helpful.

Here we are about 2 weeks into our quest and some thoughts have been thought.  Looking back over the last weeks since we started, something has become apparent, we have had more days with concessions made than days without.  These days were spawned out of the thinking, "if I don't eat this, I don't eat" which may or may not have always been the case.

Our summer life is rather unpredictable and quite busy and that makes food restrictions more difficult.   Most of the concessions have been things like fruit, rice, cheese and other things that fit with the year long diet but, not the strict one month diet.  We have a couple of options as to where to go from here.  These are our thoughts:

1. The last couple weeks shouldn't count as part of the strict month.  If we want to do this strict month, we should restart it.

2. Haiti is less than a month away so the end of our strict month will be difficult (if not impossible) to keep on a strict diet.  In Haiti you eat what is served to you.

3. Psychologically, having guidelines and not following them is not good for us.

4. Skipping a strict month and just staying on a gluten and sugar free diet for a year is still a good goal.  Adding the strict month back in once our schedules become more structured.

With those things, and more, in mind, we have decided to bypass the strict month of our quest and focus solely on one of our main goals, cutting out sugars and gluten (and other processed things).
This means that now we have re-incorporated such things as starchy vegetables, fruit, dairy products and more grains (rice).  We believe that this is the best thing for our minds and bodies in the coming month and have not lost sight of our goal.

There are some rules to follow.
Dairy - only 1 serving per day
Starches - only 2-3 servings per week (for Corie) many servings for me
Fruit - only 1 serving per day

Eating slightly more things,

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